Sunday, July 15, 2012


Heaven is indeed a place on Earth, as we discovered one afternoon not long ago. It lies far above the Buttermilk Country in a talus field. Unlike some other talus which we have recently explored, the Heaven boulders have mostly ok landings, with fewer death pits and spine snapping blocks than other areas we have explored recently. Though the area is filled with beautiful granite, I doubt it will ever become popular due to the rough four wheel drive road and ~40 minute hike required to get there. Nonetheless, I am psyched, for the moment, and will likely be spending quite a bit more time up there this summer. Who says summer isn't bouldering season?

Stairway to Heaven

Far above the Buttermilk Country

Hiking through the meadow on the way in

Lauren on the Mustache Ride

Joe on the Mustache Ride

Lauren in the steeps


The Creek boulder above the waterfall

Pulling up into the alcove before balking at the death defying topout

Lauren on the Creek boulder

Joe on the Creek Boulder

Creek boulder with most of the area in the background

Unnamed warmup on the Orange Block

Iron Woman

Heading home

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